Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I love fashion photography. I'm not really into modern art, but if fashion photography can be categorised as such (I know that you don't really find it in MoMA...) then it is my favourite kind. By that I mean that a lot of the time I think of it more as art than as something I'd want to wear, but of course there is an intersection.

Here is a review of some of my favourite fashion (+other) photos that I've found on the blogs that I follow. They're not my favourite ones of all time, or the clothes that I would most want to own, just photos that I like that have come up on my blogger news feed over the last few weeks.

Of course I must put Carol Han first, of Milk and Mode, because she replied to my tweet, which makes her automatically excellent. I also like that she has reminded me of velvet skirts and above the knee socks:

This is Miss Pandora (aka Louise Ebel). She's French which means that the clothes are a bit floatier and also that the background scenery is prettier:

This is Alix, from The Cherry Blossom Girl. She's Parisien (and takes a lot of Pandora's photos) and her photos of Paris are probably part of the reason that I love the city despite the fact that it houses lots of Socialist and Communist sympathisers. NB: the image that follows is actually in New York City, not Paris.

....right to the other end of the spectrum, here's Rumi Neely, of fashiontoast. Everyone seems to have an opinion on her, from "she's the most stylish person on the earth" to "she should stop loafing around taking photos and get a job". I think that I sit somewhere in the middle. Anyway, I like the way she wears her quilted leather shorts:

This is from the Superette store's Facebook album. It's not really fashion; I just like the photo:

Finally, this from Le Fashion (I wish they had called themselves 'La Mode' or something better...). If someone proposed to me with this Christian Dior ring, I'd say yes too:

So that is how I spend my non working time.

Speaking of work, I had an excellent day there today. I had another visitor today, which was pleasant. Additionally, I now have a new work computer with a flatter screen and a new keyboard, which was a thrill in and of itself, but then when I turned it on, what was the surprise that I found there waiting for me? MAPLE 13. I think that I'm in heaven in that office.

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