Sunday, January 9, 2011

Indecisiveness and other related matters

salvete! As you've probably noticed, I've been messing around with the layout of this blog for a while. Finally I have something that I'm vaguely happy with, though it is annoying that the original layout that I had when I started this blog seemed to disappear from the layout selection list, and also annoying that the background images available to choose from are so unsophisticated. I think I'll have to write some HTML for this blog at some point, so that the design will be nicer (HTML: the things you learn from myspace...), but this is it for now. It's not as bright as the other one, but I think that my years have private schooling have drummed into me that writing should only be in black or navy blue. So there we go.

I'm also writing this post as a reminder that I've thought up two blog posts that I need to write:
-varium et mutabile semper femina, which I had posted, but then deleted, because I wanted to write a more complete entry on it;
-The deal behind the whole 'imperfect information' thing.

I also need to find a flash drive for work tomorrow. Where are these things when you need them?

Bonne nuit for now!

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