Monday, January 17, 2011

I broke my smoothie maker

I have a newfound love both for writing mathematical equations and graphs out of jokes and other things that aren't inherently quantitative. I hope to feature a few of these on this blog in the future.

To start it off, I found this on one of my friends' Facebook pages:
I didn't actually make this myself*, but it is of course true of my milkshake. The drink, that is.

*There are a few ways that you can tell this:
-the axes are not labelled;
-the units of the y-axis are not given;
-I would not have made the y-axis go up to 120 when it is measuring percentages in a situation where it is nonsensical to have percentages greater than 100%.

1 comment:

    Trust me- it's only because you "have to charge" in following with capitalist principles and boys are cheap.
    (not because of your milkshakes per se)
