Thursday, March 10, 2011

Almost back to full health

As, I am sure, most readers of this blog are aware, I'm currently at university studying for conjoint Law and Commerce degrees. Since I was very young, I've wanted to be an investment banker, so the Commerce degree has always been the 'main' degree and the Law degree has been more of the 'bit on the side'. Consequently, my Law marks have always been lower because it has never been the focus, and I've had a certain disinterest in the law, atypical of one of its students.

This year, however, because I am one paper away from finishing the Commerce degree, but many papers away from finishing the Law degree, I'm taking only LLB papers. The result of this is that I'm at Law School all the time, and so it is as if I am only studying Law. The weird thing that I've noticed is how, if you sit back, you get absorbed into the machine that is Auckland Law School. It's kind of like being back at high school, being in a factory which churns out thousands of copies of the same kind of person (that's actually quite harsh, because there's more critical thinking/intellect at Law School than there was at high school, but there's a strong.. culture (?) which makes all the students extremely similar (and the same kind of person that is churned out is ...lawyers). I guess the point is how quickly, if you let yourself, you get absorbed into this Law School culture. I went to Law Careers Day today, along with all the others, and I'm going to a mooting meeting tonight: two things that I would never have expected myself to have done, say, this time last year.

...and at the end of this thought process, it's dawning on me that there's something completely Orwellian/1984-esque about this. I love Law School.

......quite honestly.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like the Arts students always get shuffled around the university and put in small rooms with no windows for their tutorials. I have a tutorial in the Law School (handy) and one in OGGB 319, which is annoying because I have a class just before in the Clock Tower.

    "She had won the victory over herself. She loved Law School."
