Monday, December 6, 2010

The first week of December

Hello December,
You have been such a mixed month so far. Here is a brief (this is what I'm hoping for but it probably won't be) list of what has happened:

- I started work at the Business School properly on December 1. So far, I enjoy the job and I like the professors that I've met, but a few of the Ph.D. students are a bit passive aggressive in the lifts. Hahaha. I have an office, which is really cool, and a staff email address and you can look me up in the Business School Staff Directory on the website, which should inflate my ego for a little while.
- I have continued going to the Law Centre on Thursday nights. This is also really interesting, and it feels good to get involved with something in the community. It also makes me want to be a lawyer.
- The result of the above two bullet points was that I was extremely tired on Friday night, and became a bit hysterical. That night it took me forever to get to sleep because I kept thinking about how I was messing everything up etc. I woke up at 7am the next morning and tried to get up and eat my breakfast but I kind of collapsed getting out of my bed, so I guess I was lying on the floor for a little while. An hour or so later I got myself back into bed and went back to sleep, and felt much better for it. I also had an 11-hour sleep the next night, and quite a long one the night after that, too.
- The result of the above point is that I am now feeling much better about life. I have also put on 2kg, which is great.. now only 3kg left to get back to what I should be. Win. I'm starting to notice the difference because I don't feel like falling over all the time.
- I had an epiphany that my previous epiphany was not as bad as I thought it was. Good things always happen to me when I stop trying to force them to happen. Originally, I found this annoying, but I am now happy about it, because, rather than implying that my efforts are in vain, it suggests that I should just relax about things, which is something that I need to do anyway. I am also beginning to accept some realities in a more positive light. Good Emma.
- I have a new interest: going through magazines like the Herald Homes and interior design stores. Even though I won't be able to afford a house for many years, I like planning what it will be like. For some reason, I seem to like Greek Revival architecture. The columns can be a bit much though.
- My SIM card died on Sunday night, when I was at my friend's birthday party. Apparently my parents called me quite a few times because they thought I had been in a car accident that I wasn't back home. I have not had much success with getting a new one yet, but I will attempt again tomorrow. Unfortunately, adding to the problem is that my phone has also decided to die... so my sister is lending me hers for now, but I think that she'll probably want it back soon, so.. who knows what will happen there.
- Law students are a pain. I had to finish enrolling myself in a timetable for next year this morning because all the eager law students had been enrolling and filling up all the good classes, and I didn't want to be left taking something random like 'Contemporary Maori Issues'. I think I will need a time turner next year as there is so much stuff I am signing up/have signed up for. Semester 1: Agency Law, Land Law, Equity, Company Law, Tax Law, International Finance. Semester 2: Agency Law (cont'd), Land Law (cont'd), Equity (cont'd), Law of Evidence, Corporate Finance Law, Legal Research 2. At the moment, International Finance clashes with Tax on one day... so I'll probably need special permission to do that. Also, I don't know how to enrol in Honours, which is a worry, because I really want to do Agency. Furthermore, yes, you did read that correctly. I am taking Tax. Yes, I did swear that I'd never do it. But.. Tax v Treaty of Waitangi... Tax wins.
- On Sunday morning I went to the supermarket in 277, where they were handing out free samples of iced coffee. I have been converted. How could my life have been missing something so fantastic for such a long time?

That was actually not too bad an attempt at brevity.

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