Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Ridiculous Beginning

"All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning."
Albert Camus

A few weeks ago, I decided to start this blog. I guess I was inspired by a lot of the other blogs that I read on the internet, and wanted to create something similar. Easier said than done. Over the last few weeks, I have been thinking increasingly that my mind must be some kind of thoughtless vacuum that I couldn't think even of anything mundane to say. Here I am, typing away but saying nothing.

I'm Emma. I find it hard to describe myself. I study economics, finance and law; but I also love literature, foreign languages, and science. I'm pietas and furor. I think of myself as a free market economist, but I'm increasingly becoming a Keynesian. I'm pedantic, and really formal. The flow on effect of this is that I have to write an introduction to this blog before writing 'content' entries, because I won't feel like I can write anything here until I have started it properly. Formalities are important. You can't tell your life story to someone you've never met before saying hello.

I'm going to use this blog to document my life, and also things that I like and that interest me. This includes economics, food, fashion, science, table setting, yield curves, accidence and syntax... I'll probably put photos on here. My friend Courtney has recently lamented on Facebook that "everyone thinks they're a photographer". I have no such delusions. I am well aware that the extent of my photographic ability will probably only ever go so far as being able to take awkward family holiday photos and then use the USB cable to transfer them to my computer. But whatever; I'm uploading them.

So there's my ridiculous beginning.

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